555 (1988)

R 03/12/1988 (US) Horror 1h 30m
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A spate of killings of teenagers by a maniac dressed like a hippie causes a detective to check the records for similar killings. He discovers that every five years, in the fifth month of the year, for five consecutive days, the same type of killings have occurred, and the few descriptions of the suspect always match: he's dressed like a hippie. As the detective searches for the killer, he begins to have suspicions about his superior, an older man who is haunted by memories of his military service in Vietnam.

  1. Wally Koz

    Director, Writer

  2. Roy Koz


Top Billed Cast

  1. Greg Kerouac

    Sgt. Connor

  2. B.K. Smith

    Detective Johnny Haller

  3. Mara Lynn Bastian

    Susan Rather

  4. Charles Fuller

    Col. Peter Wayne

  5. Greg Neilson

    Ralph Kennedy

  6. Bob Grabill

    The Killer / Police Officer

  7. Temple Mead

    First Female Victim

  8. Ricardo Alverez

    First Male Victim

  9. Skip Grisham

    Second Male Victim

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew


Status Released

Original Language English

Budget -

Revenue -


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