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JFK (1991)

R 12/20/1991 (US) DramaThrillerHistory 3h 8m
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The story that won't go away.


Follows the investigation into the assassination of President John F. Kennedy led by New Orleans district attorney Jim Garrison.

  1. Oliver Stone

    Director, Screenplay

  2. Zachary Sklar


Top Billed Cast

  1. Kevin Costner

    Kevin Costner

    Jim Garrison

  2. Tommy Lee Jones

    Tommy Lee Jones

    Clay Shaw

  3. Gary Oldman

    Gary Oldman

    Lee Harvey Oswald

  4. Kevin Bacon

    Kevin Bacon

    Willie O'Keefe

  5. Michael Rooker

    Michael Rooker

    Bill Broussard

  6. Jack Lemmon

    Jack Lemmon

    Jack Martin

  7. Laurie Metcalf

    Laurie Metcalf

    Susie Cox

  8. Sissy Spacek

    Sissy Spacek

    Liz Garrison

  9. Joe Pesci

    Joe Pesci

    David Ferrie

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew


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