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Stop-Zemlia (2022)

12 08/19/2021 (UA) Drama 2h 2m
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Hanging out with friends, smoking a lot, spinning bottles and kissing, making mistakes, playing, refusing to accept, dreaming with open eyes - life as a teenager can be overwhelmingly beautiful and difficult at the same time. In her debut, the Ukrainian director composes a deeply emotional and multi-layered portrait of a generation whilst seamlessly flowing between the fictional and the documental.

  1. Kateryna Gornostai

    Director, Screenplay

Top Billed Cast

  1. Maria Fedorchenko

    Masha Chernykh

  2. Arsenii Markov

    Arsenii Markov

    Senia Steshenko

  3. Yana Isaienko

    Yana Bratiychuk

  4. Oleksandr Ivanov

    Oleksandr Ivanov

    Sasha Hanskyi

  5. Andrii Abalmazov

    Andrii Klymyshyn

  6. Rubin Abukhatab

    Rubin Zhuravlov

  7. Marharyta Astakhova

    Margo Osipova

  8. Oksana Babych

    Oksana Herasymenko

  9. Inna Belikova

    Inna Belikova

    Masha's mother

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew


Original Title Стоп-Земля

Status Released

Original Language Ukrainian

Budget -

Revenue -


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