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The Mortician (2011)

R 02/14/2012 (US) ThrillerDrama 1h 31m
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Alienated and cold, The Mortician (Method Man) processes the corpses with steely disregard. He is lonely and isolated. He is introduced to his new employee, Noah, (EJ Bonilla) by the morgue boss (Edward Furlong). Noah is a volatile youth working as part of his parole.Noah brings the notorious gangster, Carver (Dash Mihok), and his crew to the mortuary door. The Mortician's attention is pricked by the tattoo of Botticelli's 'Birth of Venus' inked on the body of a murdered woman (Judy Marte), that arrives at the morgue, triggering a series of haunting dreams from his childhood. Discovering a scared child, Kane (Cruz Santiago), fleeing the morgue, he's forced to act. They become reluctant allies, struggling for redemption as they run. Through his awkward heroism, the Mortician reconnects with his long forgotten past, and finds the answers he's been searching for. He find redemption and peace.

  1. Gareth Maxwell Roberts

    Director, Writer

Top Billed Cast

  1. Method Man

    Method Man

    The Mortician

  2. Edward Furlong

    Edward Furlong


  3. Dash Mihok

    Dash Mihok


  4. Blake Michael

    Blake Michael

    Street Kid

  5. Wendell Pierce

    Wendell Pierce


  6. Luis Da Silva Jr.

    Luis Da Silva Jr.


  7. David Jensen

    David Jensen

    Officier Laurel

  8. Randal Reeder

    Randal Reeder

    Officer Hardy

  9. Dana Fuchs

    Dana Fuchs


  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

The Mortician
The Mortician

Status Released

Original Language English

Budget -

Revenue -


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