Tom Thumb (1972)

12/09/1972 (FR) ComedyFamilyFantasy 1h 15m
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Classic fairy-tale story about Tom Thumb against Giant. Parents are poor and want to leave Tom Thumb in forest. But Tom Thumb is clever and marks his way by stones. Second time he is unsuccessful - he has only bread-crumbs and birds eat them. Tom Thumb finds a Giant and a beautiful princess in his entrapment, and is determined to free the princess.

  1. Michel Boisrond


  2. Charles Perrault


Top Billed Cast

  1. Marie Laforêt

    Marie Laforêt

    La Reine

  2. Jean-Pierre Marielle

    Jean-Pierre Marielle


  3. Jean-Luc Bideau

    Jean-Luc Bideau

    Le Roi

  4. Jean-Christophe Maillot

    Le Petit Poucet

  5. Michel Robin

    Michel Robin

    Le Bûcheron

  6. Marie Henriau

    Marie Henriau

    La Bûcheronne

  7. Michelle Marquais

    Michelle Marquais

    La femme de l'Ogre

  8. Jean-Marie Proslier

    Jean-Marie Proslier


  9. Marianne Ridoret

    La Princesse

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

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Original Title Le Petit Poucet

Status Released

Original Language French

Budget -

Revenue -


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