The Recipe for Balance (2020)

09/22/2020 (ES) Documentary 1h 10m
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Ricard Camarena bases his cuisine on Valencia’s local vegetable production. His constant search for harmony between flavours has seduced the critics and crossed borders. Alongside Mari Carmen Bañuls, the brain behind the management of their restaurants, the two form an indissoluble team which have overcome great adversity to achieve success, vouched for by two Michelin stars and the recent National Gastronomy Prize. The couple are enjoying their most balanced moment. Balanced? The Covid-19 outbreak has thrown them up against a hitherto unheard-of challenge: to reopen their restaurants with the uncertainty of the “new normal”. Heedless of the pandemic, the vegetable garden continues its natural growth cycle and offers the chef a new horizon of flavours.

  1. Óscar Bernàcer

    Director, Screenplay

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Original Title La Receta del Equilibrio

Status Released

Original Language Spanish; Castilian

Budget -

Revenue -


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