Mutants (2002)

01/01/2002 (US) DramaScience Fiction 1h 35m
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Thirteen-year-old Paula lives with her mother on a well-kept estate in a small town surrounded by nice neighbours. But Paula's view of normality has been sharpened by her extensive and consistent diet of horror movies.

  1. Katalin Gödrös

    Author, Director

  2. Sebastian Edschmid


Top Billed Cast

  1. Karoline Teska

    Karoline Teska


  2. Jacob Matschenz

    Jacob Matschenz


  3. Peter Lohmeyer

    Peter Lohmeyer

    Paula's Vater

  4. Barbara Philipp

    Barbara Philipp

    Paula's Mutter

  5. Dominique Sghair


  6. Ludmilla Lencés


  7. Otto Edelmann


  8. Rebecca Scheurle

    Paulas Freundin

  9. Léa Kuhn

    Paulas Freundin

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

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Original Title Mutanten

Status Released

Original Language German

Budget -

Revenue -


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