Black Invitation (1969)

01/01/1969 (TW) Action 1h 21m
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Brilliant Taiwan wuxia film Black Invitation directed by Chou Hsu Chiang. Living large in the Fuhu Shan region, Qiu San (Ma Ji) and his ruthless gang extort money from the local people by sending out black invitations listing how much the gang would like to "borrow". Those who hand over the money even a little late experience the gang's violent wrath. The Wan family is thrown into danger when...

  1. Chou Hsu-Chiang


Top Billed Cast

  1. Pai Ying

    Pai Ying

    Nian Zhu

  2. Han Hsiang-Chin

    Mei Hsiang

  3. Ma Chi

    Ma Chi

    Chou San Da Ye

  4. Tsao Chien

    Tsao Chien

    Father Huang

  5. Go Ming

    Nian Zhu's father

  6. Wan Chung-Shan

    Traitor Wan Ren-Mei

  7. Yu Chi-Kung

    Mei Hsiang's brother

  8. Hsieh Han

    Hsieh Han

    Da Tou Mu

  9. Melvin Chang Yun-Wen

    Melvin Chang Yun-Wen

    Bandit Smiling Tiger

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

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Original Title 黑帖

Status Released

Original Language Chinese

Budget -

Revenue -


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