Vatersland (2020)

12 10/03/2020 (DE) Drama
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An emotional journey back to the 50s and 60s: Through photos and film footage from her childhood, the 48-year-old filmmaker Marie remembers growing up in bourgeois post-war Germany. Marie is once again confronted with the early death of her mother and the excessive demands of her conservative father. He has no understanding for her and deports her to a Catholic girls' boarding school. A youth characterized by constant rebellion against the mustiness of the post-war years and against a society that expects one thing above all from girls: to smile nicely into the camera and under no circumstances direct the film themselves!

  1. Petra Seeger

    Director, Screenplay

Top Billed Cast

  1. Margarita Broich

    Margarita Broich

    Marie als Erwachsene und Marianne

  2. Felizia Trube

    Felizia Trube

    Marie 8-10 Jahre

  3. Momo Beier

    Momo Beier

    Marie 10-14 Jahre

  4. Stella Holzapfel

    Stella Holzapfel

    Marie 14-18 Jahre

  5. Bernhard Schütz

    Bernhard Schütz


  6. Matti Schmidt-Schaller

    Matti Schmidt-Schaller


  7. Eric Langner


Full Cast & Crew


Status Released

Original Language German

Budget -

Revenue -


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