La última Navidad del universo (2019)

10/13/2019 (ES) ActionComedy 15m
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December 25th of next year. Humanity has gone to hell and only a few survive by eating each other. Santa Claus comes to hand out toys, but in a world without good children, he'll have to use them as deadly weapons. La última navidad del universo, the new shenanigans from the directors of Fist of Jesus

  1. David Muñoz

    Director, Writer

  2. Adrián Cardona


Top Billed Cast

  1. Marc Velasco

    Marc Velasco

    Cabeza Hueca

  2. Esteban Ribas


  3. Juan José Torres


  4. Jacint Espuny

    Punk puño de hierro

Full Cast & Crew

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Status Released

Original Language Spanish; Castilian

Budget -

Revenue -


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