Orchestra from the Land of Silence (2020)

10/07/2020 (US) Documentary 31m
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Marzia is a violinist playing with the first Afghan all-female orchestra, Zohra. Through her eyes we follow the daily reality of the girls in this orchestra. Although the situation in Afghanistan is improving, playing music is still unacceptable in the eyes of many, especially when it comes to young women. The film directed by Lucia Kašová depicts their desires, dreams and preparation for performances. During the tour in Slovakia, when they get to the former borders of the communist bloc, the symbolism of the Iron Curtain moves the Afghan story to a completely different perspective.

  1. Lucia Kašová

    Director, Writer

  2. Michal Kaščák


  3. Barbora Bodnárová


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Original Title Orchester z krajiny ticha

Status Released

Original Language Slovak

Budget -

Revenue -


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