The New Gospel (2020)

12 12/17/2020 (DE) Documentary 1h 47m
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What would Jesus preach in the 21st century? Who would his disciples be? And how would today's society respond to the return of the Son of God? With The New Gospel, Milo Rau is staging a "Revolt of Dignity". Led by political activist Yvan Sagnet, the movement is fighting for the rights of migrants who came to Europe across the Mediterranean to be enslaved on the tomato fields in southern Italy and to live in ghettos under inhumane conditions.

  1. Milo Rau

    Director, Writer

Top Billed Cast

  1. Yvan Sagnet


  2. Maia Morgenstern

    Maia Morgenstern

    Mother Mary

  3. Enrique Irazoqui

    John the Baptist

  4. Marcello Fonte

    Marcello Fonte

    Pontius Pilate

Full Cast & Crew

The New Gospel
The New Gospel

Original Title Das Neue Evangelium

Status Released

Original Language German

Budget -

Revenue -


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