The Family Jewels (2004)

12 01/22/2004 (DE) ComedyDrama 1h 27m
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Martin is the ambitious one in the family. He is poised to start on his doctorate, when he is diagnosed with testicular cancer and all his future plans begin to unravel. The removal of one testicle reduces the most immediate threat, but the cancer has already spread and Martin's doctor argues for an operation that would save him, but could also castrate him.

  1. Robert Schwentke

    Director, Writer

Top Billed Cast

  1. Wotan Wilke Möhring

    Wotan Wilke Möhring

    Martin Schwarz

  2. Julia Hummer

    Julia Hummer


  3. Antoine Monot Jr.

    Antoine Monot Jr.


  4. Alexander Beyer

    Alexander Beyer

    Roman Schwarz

  5. Janek Rieke

    Janek Rieke


  6. Doris Schretzmayer

    Doris Schretzmayer

    Schwester Elke

  7. Götz Schubert

    Götz Schubert

    Dr. Bofinger

  8. Fatih Cevikkollu

    Fatih Cevikkollu


  9. Marie Gruber

    Marie Gruber

    Gabriele Schwarz

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

The Family Jewels
The Family Jewels

Original Title Eierdiebe

Status Released

Original Language German

Budget -

Revenue -


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