All American Boy (2020)

2020-11-01 (US) Drama 1h 50m
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Little secrets grow to become big lies


When Sean returns home for summer break after his freshman year at college, he immediately reconnects with all his old high school friends for an awesome break. Sean's feelings towards his shy friend James grows and decides this is the time to finally confess his long time crush. What Sean doesn't know is that James has a hidden Dark past that is about to surface and could potentially out Sean to his friends and family. Sean and Jame's must come face to face with their fears before both their lives are destroyed forever.

  1. Ian Liberatore

    Director, Writer

Top Billed Cast

  1. Christopher Brian

    Christopher Brian

    Sean Gardner

  2. Gary Paul Bowman

    James Reese

  3. Ginger Fries

    Heather Gardner

  4. Shelby Hightower

    Molly Gardner

  5. Sean Michael Conway

    Sean Michael Conway


  6. Maggie Marshall-Rousis

    Dr. Sawyer

Full Cast & Crew

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Status Released

Original Language English

Budget -

Revenue -


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