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We've Got Balls (2013)

04/29/2013 (US) Comedy 1h 33m
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A quirky town, a crooked mayor, and one whacked-out bowling showdown!


A small town with a population of 52 people has balls galore, as in bowling balls, which they use to form a zany bowling tournament to save the town.

  1. Cherie Kerr

    Director, Writer

Top Billed Cast

  1. Gary Austin

    Gary Austin

    Mayor Dawson Dinwitty

  2. Andrew Dickler

    George Pandick

  3. Tyler Strateman

    Alexander Brechner

  4. Tony Alexander

    Vivian Brechner

  5. Eric Halasz

    Herman Pritzloff

  6. Dane Posey

    Irwin Pritzloff

  7. Eric Satterberg

    Eric Satterberg

    Simon Pritzloff

  8. Kylie Rogers

    Kylie Rogers

    Tinker Belle Hanley

  9. Lynne Marie Stewart

    Lynne Marie Stewart

    Grandma Jean

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

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Status Released

Original Language English

Budget -

Revenue -


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