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Director Junge was commissioned by the GDR in the country for the first time in the summer of 1970; his film In Syria auf Montage accompanies German engineers who train workers in the Homs textile factory. Shortly after filming ended, Hafez al-Assad put himself under the dictator. Twenty years later emerged ... the father stayed in the war over a youth club with Syrian orphans in Bad Saarow, whose fathers had died in the Lebanon war and accompanied them to Syria, where they were housed in separate, elite "schools of martyr children". Multi-faceted documents that oscillate between peaceful and tense, hopeful and unsettled.

  1. Winfried Junge

    Director, Screenplay

  2. Barbara Junge


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No videos, backdrops or posters have been added to ...and the father stayed in the war. Encounter with Syrian orphans.

Original Title ...und der Vater blieb im Krieg. Begegnung mit syrischen Waisen

Status Released

Original Language German

Budget -

Revenue -


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