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The Arbors (2020)

R 03/27/2020 (US) ThrillerHorrorScience Fiction 1h 56m
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They've arrived, and they're hungry


Set against a dreary small town, reclusive locksmith Ethan Daunes struggles to keep ties with his younger brother Shane. Ethan's life takes an unsettling turn after finding a strange small creature and forming a mysterious connection. After a string of unexplained killings, the creature's true nature is soon revealed, and Ethan finds himself at the center of panic and paranoia.

  1. Clayton Witmer

    Director, Writer

  2. Chelsey Cummings


Top Billed Cast

  1. Drew Matthews

    Drew Matthews

    Ethan Daunes

  2. Ryan Davenport

    Shane Daunes

  3. Sarah Cochrane

    Robin Daunes

  4. Daryl Munroe

    Connie Tern

  5. Alexandra Rose

    Lynn Daunes

  6. Brooks Addis

    Brody Capra

  7. Tony Hughes

    Officer Bensi

  8. Noah Lewis Scialom

    Alex Birman

  9. Mark Hayes

    Officer Jones

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

The Arbors
The Arbors

Status Released

Original Language English

Budget $24,000.00

Revenue -


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