Ojo (2019)

04/19/2019 (US) Drama 23m
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"Mal De Ojo" or "Evil Eye" is a widespread superstition in Latin America. The idea behind the superstition is that a look or glare can literally curse or kill someone. When one looks at another with envy, it is believed to inflict injury or bad luck. This film tells the story of a former white nationalist, who has to visit his dying mother after years of abandoning his family's beliefs and being branded as a traitor.

  1. Farida Rafique


  2. Diana Abousaleh


Top Billed Cast

  1. Sterling Horning

    Steve Bennett

  2. Ethan Wayne Goff

    James Bennett

  3. Kayli Hessler

    Abril Velasquez

  4. Gena West

    Gena West

    Ronnie Bennett

  5. Sean Andrew Bleu


  6. Jacob McGregor


  7. Johnny Qureshi


Full Cast & Crew

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Status Released

Original Language English

Budget -

Revenue -


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