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Katka (2010)

18+ 02/25/2010 (CZ) Documentary 1h 30m
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This is not a film about drug abuse, but a film about the replenishing power of life, about values and their price, about mothers and their relationship with their children.


“You bet on someone in the beginning of the process and then you wait and see what life does with them.” This is how Czech director Helena Trestikova explains her long-term documentaries. Following on from the European Film Academy Award winning RENE (2008), Trestikova brings us KATKA – 14 years in the life of a drug addict. KATKA is an extraordinarily raw and uncensored character portrait of a troubled young woman living on the edge of human existence, desperately searching for love and salvation. Will she find it in the rehab? Will she find it in the arms of the man she loves? Or in the first cry of her long-desired baby? Tagging along with her through the back streets and squalors of Prague, Trestikova gets deep under the skin of a person most of us would cross the road to avoid, and shows us Katka’s profoundly human face. You might be angry with Katka, or your heart may go out to her. One thing is certain – you will never forget her.

  1. Helena Třeštíková

    Director, Screenplay

Top Billed Cast

  1. Kateřina Bradáčová

    Kateřina Bradáčová

Full Cast & Crew


Status Released

Original Language Czech

Budget -

Revenue -


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