Los Conductos (2020)

16 09/19/2020 (ES) Drama 1h 10m
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Pinky is on the run. At night the empty streets smell of the apocalypse and the city seems to be on fire. Narcotics swirl through the veins and the air. Having freed himself from the clutches of a sect led by a certain “padre” and determined to take his fate into his own hands, he is now holed up in an illegal T-shirt factory, surrounded by paints, slogans and heat presses. Pinky is looking for the light at the end of the tunnel, but ghosts are breathing down his neck. He is running for his life, and Colombia is on fire. But Colombia is alive.

  1. Camilo Restrepo

    Director, Writer

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Los Conductos
Los Conductos

Original Title Los conductos

Status Released

Original Language Spanish; Castilian

Budget -

Revenue -


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