Also People (1959)

01/01/1959 (RU) HistoryWar 13m
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Based on an excerpt from the novel by L.N.Tolstoy "War and Peace."

The war of 1812. The defeated Napoleonic army is retreating. Three Russian soldiers settled in a snowy forest near a fire: a young (Zaletayev), an elderly and a middle-aged one. Zaletayev fantasizes — as if he had captured Napoleon. The soldiers laugh good-naturedly at him. After dinner, they fall asleep...

Two Frenchmen go to the clearing — an officer and a soldier. Russian soldiers wake up and, seeing that the officer is barely standing on his feet from cold and hunger, take him to the colonel. The French soldier sits down to the fire. The Russians give him porridge and vodka. The soldier, encouraged, sings a french song. Zaletayev echoes him. A tired Frenchman falls asleep on Zaletayev’s shoulder. The soldiers carefully shelter him. “Also people,” an elderly soldier says with a sigh.

  1. Georgiy Daneliya

    Director, Writer

  2. Leo Tolstoy


Top Billed Cast

  1. Lev Durov

    Lev Durov


  2. Manos Zacharias

    Manos Zacharias

    French Army Officer

  3. Vsevolod Sanayev

    Vsevolod Sanayev

    Old Soldier

  4. Evgeni Kudryashov

    Evgeni Kudryashov

    Middle-aged soldier

  5. Vladimir Ferapontov

    Vladimir Ferapontov

    French Soldier

  6. Georgi Millyar

    Georgi Millyar

    French Soldier

Full Cast & Crew

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Original Title Тоже люди

Status Released

Original Language Russian

Budget -

Revenue -


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