Jeritan Danau Terlarang (Situ Gintung) (2013)

D 03/07/2013 (ID) Horror 1h 18m
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The story is taken from the legend of Nyi Mas Melati and the white crocodile of Situ Gintung that spreads after the crash of of Situ Guntung dam. The dam crashed early in the morning of March 27, 2012, and dozens of houses nearby were inundated.

  1. Wishnu Kuncoro


  2. Melonys


Top Billed Cast

  1. Andreano Philip

    Andreano Philip


  2. Cinta Penelope

    Cinta Penelope


  3. Melda Mita Putri

    Melda Mita Putri


  4. Christian Loho

    Christian Loho


  5. Natalie Sarah

    Natalie Sarah


  6. Mpok Nori

    Mpok Nori

    Tukang Warung

  7. Opie Kumis

    Opie Kumis

    Petugas Hansip 1

  8. Dudung Hayo

    Petugas Hansip 2

  9. Fahmi Aditian

    Pengamen Jalanan

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

Jeritan Danau Terlarang (Situ Gintung)
Jeritan Danau Terlarang (Situ Gintung)

Status Released

Original Language Indonesian

Budget -

Revenue -


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