Heavenly Seung: Extreme Brawler (2019)

10/24/2019 (KR) Action 1h 30m
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The Wind Fighter's master, Master Heaven's legend begins. The master of Karate and Choi Bae-dal's master, Cheon Seung, is Joseon's greatest fighter. The legend that was never recorded is about to begin.

  1. Park Hyeon-Cheol


Top Billed Cast

  1. Lim Seung-Jun

    Lim Seung-Jun


  2. Kwon Dong-Won

    Kwon Dong-Won

    Kim Kang-ok

  3. Seo Dam-Hui

    Seo Dam-Hui

    Su Yeon-Hwa

  4. Lee Jeong-ho

    Lee Jeong-ho

    Lee Ha-Ryong

  5. Cho Eun-Ho


  6. Hwang Seong-Min


  7. Yang Geun-seok

    Yang Geun-seok

    Kim In-sik

Full Cast & Crew

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Original Title 천승: 극강의 싸움꾼

Status Released

Original Language Korean

Budget -

Revenue -


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