The Sunday of Life (1967)

01/13/1967 (FR) Comedy 1h 40m
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After five years in the army, Valentin Brû marry a haberdasher. They move to Paris, where Valentin sells frames, while his wife becomes fortune teller. One day, Valentin replaces her, and predict a terrible event which will happen.

  1. Jean Herman


  2. Raymond Queneau


  3. Olivier Hussenot


  4. Georges Richard


Top Billed Cast

  1. Danielle Darrieux

    Danielle Darrieux

    Julia Ségovie

  2. Françoise Arnoul

    Françoise Arnoul

    Chantal Brélugat

  3. Jean-Pierre Moulin

    Jean-Pierre Moulin

    Valentin Bru

  4. Olivier Hussenot

    Olivier Hussenot

    Paul Brelugat

  5. Madeleine Barbulée

    Madeleine Barbulée

    Madame Faucolle

  6. Roger Blin

    Roger Blin

    Jean Sans-Tête

  7. Berthe Bovy

    Berthe Bovy


  8. Agnès Capri

    Agnès Capri

    Miss Pantruche

  9. Jean Coste

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

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Original Title Le Dimanche de la vie

Status Released

Original Language French

Budget -

Revenue -


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