School Number One (2019)

08/27/2019 (RU) Documentary 1h 12m
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"School Number One" is a docudrama based on the terrorist attack that took place 15 years ago on September first, in a school in the small Northern Osetian town of Beslan. The three-day siege and it's horrible aftermath. Who is responsible for the incredibly high death toll among the hostages? What provoked the bloody operation to free the hostages 52 hours into the siege? Who answers for the interrupted negotiations, and how are former hostages and their families coping today? What political ramifications did this act of terror leave in its wake. Who benefited from it the most, and how did it affect the every day lives of Russia as we know it today?

  1. Vadih El Hayek


  2. Olga Bobrova


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Original Title Школа номер один

Status Released

Original Language Russian

Budget -

Revenue -


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