Life Upon Life (1916)

04/22/1916 (DE) Drama 1h 8m
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Leben um Leben is the sequel to the 1915 murder mystery Das Tagebuch Collins (Collin’s Diary). Leben um Leben resumes the story with the honeymoon of Peter Tomson and Ellen, who earlier had played the key role in discovering Collin’s diary and clearing the name of her future husband. During their stay, they again cross paths with Carmen Metschersky, who has managed to survive her suicide attempt and was acquitted of the murder charge due to lack of sufficient evidence. Her accomplice Peppo Pastia was convicted, but later released thanks to her help. When Carmen learns that she will inherit nothing from her deceased husband’s estate, she and Peppo (posing as her uncle Pedro Costa) hatch an elaborate scheme to seduce and murder Tomson’s business partner, Kurt Frederich. However, Ellen Tomson manages to foil their machinations yet again, and the villainous pair suffer a chilling end (in the truest sense).

  1. Richard Eichberg


  2. Karl Schneider


Top Billed Cast

  1. Ellen Richter

    Ellen Richter

    Fürsten Carmen Metschersky

  2. Erich Kaiser-Titz

    Erich Kaiser-Titz

    Kurt Frederich

  3. Walter Wolffgram

    Peter Tomson

  4. Lu Synd

    Lu Synd

    Ellen Tomson

  5. Louis Neher

    Peppo Pastia

Full Cast & Crew

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Original Title Leben um Leben

Status Released

Original Language German

Budget -

Revenue -


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