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The Pilot: A Battle for Survival (2021)

12+ 03/01/2022 (US) WarHistoryDrama 1h 45m
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A battle for survival.


December of 1941, Northwestern Front. A German tank column is moving towards Moscow. During a mission to stop the enemy advance, Nikolai Komlev's IL-2 is shot down. Komlev manages to crash-land his plane in a remote forest clearing. He's alive, but far from friendly territory. Ahead of him is a relentless trial of severe physical and mental endurance. After battling hunger and extreme cold, evading packs of wolves and detachments of Nazi soldiers, the wounded Komlev finally makes it back to safety. But there he faces another challenge, the most life-changing of them all.

  1. Renat Davletyarov

    Director, Screenplay

  2. Sergej Ashkenazy


  3. Aleksei Timoshkin


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The Pilot: A Battle for Survival
The Pilot: A Battle for Survival

Original Title Лётчик

Status Released

Original Language Russian

Budget -

Revenue -


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