Über Infinite - Lebe unendlich diskutieren

Is something that was probably said many times when this movie was pitched to the studio. There's no real reason to include them, but they are always cool so you definitely want some katanas in a movie. Surprised there were no ninjas, but I guess the evil henchmen in all their tacticool gear kind of did the same thing. Boy, those guys were useless. As useless as an automatic rifle is apparently these days - you shoot it a couple of times and you might as well throw it away. Boy they sure don't make them like they used to.

Anywho, it's a pretty mediocre movie with some utterly ridiculous action scenes. The movie is basically doing the old highlander thing again except this time the people are reincarnated instead of just being immortal and instead of getting their heads chopped off they got shot in the head with some kind of a magical bullet that transfers their consciusness into a USB or something. Speaking of which, if that evil dude was so done with the whole thing wouldn't it have been easier to shoot himself with one of those magical bullets instead of spending lifetimes searching for the (also magical) 'egg'. I assume the consciusness was not really doing any thinking on the usb, but maybe I wasn't paying much attention. Also what was going on with Wahlberg's superpowers? They kind of build him up as some kind of a latent superman, but then that scene comes when he gets his 'superpowers' and apparently all it enables him to do is to walk on the wing of an airplane. I mean it's great and all, but he was doing a fine job hanging on the plane with his katana sword without his superpowers and it seems those superpowers are forgotten immediately after that scene.

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Yeah the film was pretty bad. Wahlberg was clearly not invested in the role so that doesn't help. You're right about the motive for the main bad guy and his group; the destroy-the-whole-world-including-themselves plan just didn't make sense.

Also the consciousness USB thing was some kind of technological joke - if they intended to destroy the world and everyone in it, why not just kill them?! I dunno, it seems like all the ideas they had worked on paper but on screen it was just one big mess.

Is this part of the MCU?

Clearly a dull scenario with too much things inside and no developments at all. Caracters are pathetic.


A very bad movie

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