Arthur Honegger - Jeanne D'Arc Au Bucher (2007)

10/30/2007 (GB) 2h 19m
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Born Oscar-Arthur Honegger (the first name was never used) in Le Havre, France, he initially studied harmony and violin in Paris, and after a brief period in Zürich, returned there to study with Charles-Marie Widor and Vincent d'Indy. He continued to study through the 1910s, before writing the ballet Le dit des jeux du monde in 1918, generally considered to be his first characteristic work.

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Top Billed Cast

  1. Sylvie Testud

    Sylvie Testud

    Jeanne d'Arc

  2. Eric Ruf

    Eric Ruf

    Brother Dominique

  3. Marie-Nicole Lemieux

    Marie-Nicole Lemieux


  4. Isabelle Cals


  5. Alain Altinoglu

    Self - Musical Direction

Full Cast & Crew

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Status Released

Original Language English

Budget -

Revenue -


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