Uli the Tenant (1955)

12 12/22/1955 (CH) DramaRomanceComedy 1h 55m
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Uli has been the tenant of the "Glunggen-farm" for two years. His wife Vreneli gave him two children and the couple is happy. But this year, the harvest looks bad and his landlord calls in the rent, as the old man urgently needs money to satisfy the demands of his son and stepson. Desperate to make ends meet, Uli fraudulently sells a cow knowing that she does not produce any milk. He is pursued in court but is acquitted. But then, the buyer curses him... and disaster promptly strikes.

  1. Franz Schnyder

    Director, Screenplay

  2. Jeremias Gotthelf


  3. Richard Schweizer


Top Billed Cast

  1. Liselotte Pulver

    Liselotte Pulver


  2. Hannes Schmidhauser


  3. Emil Hegetschweiler

    Emil Hegetschweiler

    Joggeli, der Glunggenbauer

  4. Leopold Biberti

    Leopold Biberti


  5. Erwin Kohlund

    Erwin Kohlund


  6. Hedda Koppé


  7. Marianne Matti


  8. Stephanie Glaser

    Stephanie Glaser


  9. Alfred Rasser


  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

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Original Title Uli der Pächter

Status Released

Original Language German

Budget -

Revenue -


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