Mountain Mafia (2010)

10/01/2010 (US) Action
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In the rolling landscape of Appalachia, beauty resides within each valley and atop the crest of each hill. But under the surface of this delicate veneer, a treacherous underbelly lies. A world stricken with drugs, guns, money, and the Mountain Mafia rules all.

  1. Cherokee Hall

    Director, Writer

Top Billed Cast

  1. Casey Miracle

    Dwight Hamilton

  2. Tiffany Shepis

    Tiffany Shepis


  3. Rupert Boneham


  4. Robert Z'Dar

    Robert Z'Dar

    Sheriff Dumas

  5. Jim O'Rear


  6. Daniel Emery Taylor

    Daniel Emery Taylor

    Leroy Hannigan

  7. Karen Boles

    Karen Boles

    Prosecutor Johanna Grisham

  8. Chris Winters

    Chris Winters


  9. Allen Sarven

    Allen Sarven

    Charlie Hamilton

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

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Status Released

Original Language English

Budget -

Revenue -


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