Guard Center 24 (2016)

09/16/2016 (JP) 1h 35m
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The Security Guard Center sets the stage for this drama that stars Mamoru Shinomiya, a newly-hired emergency responder. Together with his brilliant colleagues, all of whom have colorful personalities, they tackle one emergency after another with flying colors and restore the safety and security of their clients and the public.

  1. Matsubara Hiroshi


  2. Naomi Hiruta


Top Billed Cast

  1. Kento Nakajima

    Kento Nakajima

    Mamoru Shinomiya

  2. Chiaki Kuriyama

    Chiaki Kuriyama

    Kokoro Anzai

  3. Kei Tanaka

    Kei Tanaka

  4. Kendo Kobayashi

    Kendo Kobayashi

    Shudo Sotokoba

  5. Keiko Horiuchi

    Keiko Horiuchi

    Mamiko Minato

  6. Iwahashi Genki

    Yuzuru Shinomiya

  7. Sakamoto Satsuki

    Sakamoto Satsuki

    Kakeru Shinomiya

  8. Sakamoto Mitsuki

    Wataru Shinomiya

  9. Masahiro Kobayashi

    Masahiro Kobayashi

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

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Original Title ガードセンター24 広域警備指令室

Status Released

Original Language Japanese

Budget -

Revenue -


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