The Night of the Suspects (1957)

08/30/1957 (FR) 1h 30m
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Marcel Farnoux, an industrialist, lives with eight women: his wife, his two daughters, his mother, his sister-in-law and two maids. One night, he is found dead, shot through the heart. Inspector Duret has a hard time unmasking the killer from among his eight suspicious wives.

  1. Víctor Merenda


Top Billed Cast

  1. Geneviève Kervine

    Geneviève Kervine

    Suzon Farnoux

  2. Christine Carère

    Christine Carère

    Catherine Farnoux

  3. Élina Labourdette

    Élina Labourdette

    Gaby Farnoux

  4. Béatrice Arnac

    Béatrice Arnac

    Mlle. Farnoux

  5. Yva Bella


  6. Colette Régis

    Colette Régis


  7. Annie Roudier

    The Nanny

  8. Guylaine Guy


  9. Yves Massard

    Yves Massard

    Inspecteur Duret

  10. View More

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Original Title La Nuit des suspectes

Status Released

Original Language French

Budget -

Revenue -


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