Marlène (1949)

09/02/1949 (FR) Drama 1h 40m
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Returning from South America, a singer is hired by an old pal who runs a detective agency to use a perch as a night club performer to be an investigator.The amateur sleuth then falls for a girl whose brother is a jewel thief.

  1. Pierre de Hérain


Top Billed Cast

  1. Tino Rossi

    Tino Rossi

    Manuel Ceccaldi

  2. Micheline Francey

    Micheline Francey


  3. Pauline Carton

    Pauline Carton

    Old lady

  4. Lilia Vetti

    Lilia Vetti


  5. Mathilde Casadesus

    Mathilde Casadesus


  6. Robert Lussac


  7. Paul Azaïs

    Paul Azaïs


  8. Germaine Stainval

    Locker room lady

  9. José Artur

    José Artur

    'La Puce'

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

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Status Released

Original Language French

Budget -

Revenue -


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