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The Things We Keep (2018)

06/16/2018 (IT) Documentary 1h 13m
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Casey, the new flatmate, was everything Alessandro was not. He was energetic, adventurous and charismatic. Alessandro started to document this strange creature with his video camera, so different from himself. They were in their early twenties and living in Rome...every experience together felt new and exciting. But when Casey moved to the Middle East to work as a TV journalist, Alessandro's world was opened up even more. Drawn from 15 years of footage, The Things We Keep is an intimate look at friendship, a celebration of people's common humanity and an invitation to break out of one’s comfort zone.

  1. Alessandro Cassigoli

    Director, Writer

  2. Casey Kauffman

    Director, Writer

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The Things We Keep
The Things We Keep

Original Title Ce qui nous reste

Status Released

Original Language French

Budget -

Revenue -


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