The Big Flag (1954)

06/21/1954 (FR) Drama 1h 33m
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For Naval officers duty comes first. Navy Lieutenant Favrel is one of these men. He has promised his wife Simone to stay with her all the time but a last mission aboard a training cruiser makes him realize that his life is tied to the sea. For his part, Navy cadet Pierre Hardouin understands that sailing is his vocation. The prospect of staying home alone while Pierre is on mission, frightens Madeleine, the girl of his heart. But the young woman ends up accepting the ordeal and marrying Pierre.

  1. Jack Pinoteau


  2. Jean Raynaud


Top Billed Cast

  1. Jean Chevrier

    Jean Chevrier

    Jean Favrel

  2. Marc Cassot

    Marc Cassot

    Pierre Hardouin

  3. Marie Mansart

    Marie Mansart

    Simone Favrel

  4. Nicole Courcel

    Nicole Courcel


  5. Raphaël Patorni

    Raphaël Patorni


  6. François Patrice

    François Patrice


  7. Roger Crouzet

    Roger Crouzet


  8. Jean-Pierre Mocky

    Jean-Pierre Mocky

    Luc Dutoit - a midshipman

  9. Jean Murat

    Jean Murat

    Captain Jabert

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

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Original Title Le Grand Pavois

Status Released

Original Language French

Budget -

Revenue -


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