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Is it a black thing?! Or is it to cater to China?

Pixar films have always been better then the Disney animation films (and Soul was SUPERB, winning Best Animated Picture at Golden Globes), so trying to figure out the logic on this one.

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I think it's cause there were far less theaters (almost none) in the U.S. open when Soul made it's debut. Also Soul made $57,819,875 in the Chinese box office and China doesn't have Disney+ yet, so it can't be about catering to them.

Disney+ Premier to watch this flick, only $30, what a deal.

@FrankSmith said:

Disney+ Premier to watch this flick, only $30, what a deal.

Not sure about you, but there's NO WAY IN HIGH HE77 I'm paying THAT much for a "rental"...not even $20 for a rental! I love buying 4K Blurays and 3D Blu's as well, but I don't think I've surpassed $20 for any one movie, even brand spankin' new!

And PLEASE, no one come with that "by the time you drive to a theater, buy tickets for a family of 4, buy popcorn, blah blah blah..." bullshizz! The cinema experience will ALWAYS be the cinema experience and home can come close (I have a 7.1 4K setup), but still doesn't hold a candle!

Agreed. total ripoff

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