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Seems they are pumping up the box office like they did with Captain Marvel here.

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@Kurtzmansucks said:

Seems they are pumping up the box office like they did with Captain Marvel here.


well if you believe this actually earned 71,000,000 this weekend I have some prime land for you in florida for you lol

It's not just Disney, a friend of a friend who knows James Cameron said that Titanic actually only grossed $50 million in total.

We must expose this corruption!

@GusGorman said:

It's not just Disney, a friend of a friend who knows James Cameron said that Titanic actually only grossed $50 million in total.

We must expose this corruption!

oh come on Gus you actually believe that this movie actually made this much when a movie like Dune only recieved 41,000,000 you can't be that gullible

@Kurtzmansucks said:

@GusGorman said:

It's not just Disney, a friend of a friend who knows James Cameron said that Titanic actually only grossed $50 million in total.

We must expose this corruption!

oh come on Gus you actually believe that this movie actually made this much when a movie like Dune only recieved 41,000,000 you can't be that gullible

Dune was released on streaming same day as theaters, that's why its U.S. box office is so low.

@mechajutaro said:

@Kurtzmansucks said:

Seems they are pumping up the box office like they did with Captain Marvel here.

Dunno about Captain Marvel. Where's your evidence to support the assertion that Disney and Marvel are exaggerating their haul? Legitimately curious as to your thoughts, and not trying to start an argument, though I also can't promise to agree with you either

well the opening weekend was recording supposed record attendance and that wasnt that case at any theaters in my area and have read the same in other areas.

@Kurtzmansucks said:

@mechajutaro said:

@Kurtzmansucks said:

Seems they are pumping up the box office like they did with Captain Marvel here.

Dunno about Captain Marvel. Where's your evidence to support the assertion that Disney and Marvel are exaggerating their haul? Legitimately curious as to your thoughts, and not trying to start an argument, though I also can't promise to agree with you either

well the opening weekend was recording supposed record attendance and that wasnt that case at any theaters in my area and have read the same in other areas.

Your area is just that your area. You're part of a whole planet.

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