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Jo's Boy (2010)

U 12/29/2010 (FR) ComedyDrama 1h 35m
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Grandson of a legendary rugby player, son of a legendary rugby player, and he himself a legendary rugby player, Jo Canavero raises his only son, Tom, in a small village in the Tarn region. To the great displeasure of Jo, thirteen-year-old Tom is as good at math as he is useless on the rugby field. For a Canavero, the legend can't stop there, even if it means setting up a rugby team specifically for Tom, despite the wishes of the whole village and of Tom himself.

  1. Philippe Guillard

    Director, Screenplay

Top Billed Cast

  1. Gérard Lanvin

    Gérard Lanvin

    Jo Canavaro

  2. Olivier Marchal

    Olivier Marchal

    Robert Cahuzac, aka 'le Chinois'

  3. Vincent Moscato

    Vincent Moscato

    Jean-Paul, aka 'Pompon'

  4. Jérémie Duvall

    Jérémie Duvall

    Tom Canavaro, Jo's boy

  5. Karina Lombard

    Karina Lombard

    Alice Hamilton

  6. Abbes Zahmani

    Abbes Zahmani

    'Le Boulon'

  7. Pierre Laplace

    Pierre Laplace


  8. Lionnel Astier

    Lionnel Astier

    Bernard, mayor of Doumiac

  9. Laurent Olmedo

    Laurent Olmedo


  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

Jo's Boy
Jo's Boy

Original Title Le Fils à Jo

Status Released

Original Language French

Budget -

Revenue -


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