Man Without a Passport (1966)

08/14/1966 (SU) ThrillerAdventure 1h 39m
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A group of Soviet counterintelligence officers manage to neutralize spies sent to the territory of the country to obtain secret information about the construction of a large military-industrial complex in Priozersk.

  1. Anatoliy Bobrovskiy


  2. Vladimir Kuznetsov


Top Billed Cast

  1. Vladimir Zamanskiy

    Vladimir Zamanskiy

    Александр Рябич

  2. Gennadi Frolov

    Gennadi Frolov

    Владимир Бахров

  3. Nikolai Gritsenko

    Nikolai Gritsenko

    Пётр Измайлов

  4. Lionella Pyryeva

    Lionella Pyryeva

    Ольга Гончарова

  5. Aleksey Eybozhenko

    Aleksey Eybozhenko

    Константин Лежнев, лейтенант

  6. Mikhail Pogorzhelsky

    Mikhail Pogorzhelsky

    Василий Фёдорович

  7. Vladimir Osenev

    Vladimir Osenev

    Фёдор Катько

  8. Konstantin Tyrtov

    Konstantin Tyrtov

    Семен Григорьевич Заблуда/ «Пастор»

  9. Aleksei Sveklo


  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

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Original Title Человек без паспорта

Status Released

Original Language Russian

Budget -

Revenue -


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