Far from Home (2002)

12/27/2002 (CN) Drama 1h 35m
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Ximei came to Guangzhou all alone, she wants to find her own bright future in this big city, but she was always refused in the strange city. Finally, she found a job in a restaurant, and met a group of friends such as Pangniu, Qiangzai and so on. Pangniu loves to Qiangzai, but Qiangzai loves Ximei, so Ximei has fallen into a triangular relationship.

Director Jack and Designer Xue’er will work together to complete a children's clothing advertisement, Xue’er has the habit of painting on banknotes. If the banknote can finally return to her own hand, then her wish can come true. Jack and Xue’er came to the orphanage to find the advertisement starring, and Xue’er chose Bingbing, a rebellious and lonely boy. Afterwards, Jack learned that Bingbing is actually the illegitimate child of Xue’er. Once an accident, Ximei got a cash with Xue’er’s painting. This scene happened to be seen by Jack, and this banknote linked all of them together.

  1. Yu Zhong


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Far from Home
Far from Home

Original Title 我的美丽乡愁

Status Released

Original Language Chinese

Budget -

Revenue -


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