J'ai perdu Albert (2018)

U 09/12/2018 (FR) Comedy
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Chloe has been living a successful life thanks to one trick: Albert Einstein is in her mind. But one day, he decides to move and chooses another body: Zac, a depressive beekeeper.

  1. Didier van Cauwelaert

    Director, Writer

Top Billed Cast

  1. Stéphane Plaza

    Stéphane Plaza


  2. Julie Ferrier

    Julie Ferrier

    Chloé Delmart

  3. Josiane Balasko

    Josiane Balasko

    Mme Le Couidec

  4. Bernard Le Coq

    Bernard Le Coq


  5. Étienne Draber

    Étienne Draber

    Albert Einstein

  6. Philippe du Janerand

    Philippe du Janerand

    Roland Buech

  7. Kader Boukhanef

    Kader Boukhanef

    Sébastien Le Couidec

  8. Virginie Visconti

    Virginie Visconti


  9. Jean-Noël Cnokaert

    Jean-Noël Cnokaert


  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

J'ai perdu Albert
J'ai perdu Albert

Status Released

Original Language French

Budget -

Revenue $373,000.00


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