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A Clear Felling (2020)

16 03/05/2020 (DE) Thriller 1h 37m
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Martin and Eric grew up in a small village in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. They have been friends since they were little boys and met when they were fishing, and from then on went to the lake together every Sunday. But their friendship is also marked by rivalry, because on one of their trips together they also met Frenni, who both fell in love with. The three of them roamed the woods and fields as children and remained friends when they grew up and Frenni got together with Eric. The couple is inseparable and very much in love, and this great love and the friendship of the threesome is only repeatedly tested by the drunken attacks by Eric’s unpredictable, aggressive twin brother Basti.

  1. Max Gleschinski

    Director, Screenplay

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A Clear Felling
A Clear Felling

Original Title Kahlschlag

Status Released

Original Language German

Budget -

Revenue -


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