Import/Export (2007)

16 10/18/2007 (DE) Drama 2h 15m
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A nurse from Ukraine searches for a better life in the West, while an unemployed security guard from Austria heads East for the same reason. Both are looking for work, a new beginning, an existence, struggling to believe in themselves, to find a meaning in life...

  1. Ulrich Seidl

    Director, Screenplay

  2. Veronika Franz


Top Billed Cast

  1. Ekateryna Rak

    Ekateryna Rak


  2. Paul Hofmann

    Paul Hofmann


  3. Michael Thomas

    Michael Thomas

    Paulis Stiefvater

  4. Susanne Lothar

    Susanne Lothar

    Paulis Mutter

  5. Natalija Baranova

    Natalija Baranova

    Olgas Freundin (Ukraine)

  6. Natalja Epureanu

    Olgas Freundin (Wien)

  7. Maria Hofstätter

    Maria Hofstätter

    Schwester Maria

  8. Georg Friedrich

    Georg Friedrich

    Pfleger Andi

  9. Erich Finsches

    Erich Schlager

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew


Status Released

Original Language German

Budget -

Revenue -


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