The Five of Us (2004)

08/27/2004 (CA) CrimeDrama 1h 22m
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In Montreal, the teenagers Manon, Anne, Isa, Claudie and Sophie are friends since their childhood. While spending a couple of days in the cottage of Sophie's parents nearby a lake, the girls decide to give a party, and Manon and Sophie hitch for a ride to the town in a jeep to buy some beers and supplies and they invite the driver to the party. On the return, the same driver stops the car and later Sophie is found stabbed, raped and covered of blood. Fifteen years later, Manon sees the guy in a car-wash and she invites her former friends to return to the house nearby the lake, where wounds of their traumatic loss are disclosed.

  1. Ghyslaine Côté


  2. Chantal Cadieux


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Original Title Elles étaient cinq

Status Released

Original Language French

Budget $2,500,000.00

Revenue $408,000.00


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