Über Parasite diskutieren

...and having read as little as possible beforehand. Avoid reviews. It is a real crowd-pleaser which is often very funny, packs a punch and has some dazzling narrative twists and turns. Trust me, you will thank me later if you go into this film knowing as little as you can about it.

I watched this in a crowded theatre in Singapore a couple of months ago amid audible gasps and laughs throughout, sometimes both in the same scene. Bong's best film to date.

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I absolutely agree. We just watched it tonight in Germany. We didn’t know anything about it, just saw the poster and the director’s name and went for it. The theatre was full, we all loved it and the reactions made the experience even better. Cinema magic is still very much alive smile

@eroubs said: Cinema magic is still very much alive smile

So true! Best theatrical experience I have had in a while, and I am delighted that your experience was so similar to mine!

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