To Marry a Ghost (1966)

10/12/1966 (HK) RomanceFantasyHorror
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Revolutionary youth Xie Jian Ming is killed by corrupt officials near the lighthouse, leading to rumors of his ghost haunting the town. Ming’s fiancée, He Mingzhu, hides his death from his mother. When Ming’s “ghost” appears, Zhu vows to marry him, holding a midnight wedding to fulfill his mother’s wish. Suspecting Ming is alive, the Police Chief arrests Zhu and Ming’s mother. Ming’s friend, Law Sagull, rescues Zhu, convincing her to join the underground movement. They disguise themselves to help Ming’s mother escape, but Ming fails to free her. Later, Ming appears at a celebration to perform, as the underground group surrounds the officials. Ming confronts and kills the Police Chief, revealing he survived and that another comrade was tortured in his place. Reunited, Ming and Zhu join the revolutionary cause.

  1. Chan Wan


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Original Title 願嫁鬼新郎

Status Released

Original Language Cantonese

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