Anno Domini (2000)

01/01/2000 (GB) 9m
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Belfast, Christmas 1999. A poor, badly dressed woman is half walking, half stumbling down the road. She is tearful and her behaviour is so disturbed that passers-by look furtively at her before hurrying on. Her walk is purposeful though. She is hurrying to go somewhere specific. She stumbles towards a church that is lit up. As she approaches it we see a sign outside announcing "SERVICE FOR PEACE Belfast Christmas together. All Denominations, 8pm"

  1. Jeff Stark

    Director, Writer

Top Billed Cast

  1. Ewan McGregor

    Ewan McGregor

    The Stranger

  2. Laine Megaw

    The Disturbed Woman

  3. Tim Loane

    Tim Loane

    The Minister

  4. Mark Mulholland

    Mark Mulholland

    The Priest

  5. Linda Wray

    The Respectable Woman

  6. Alan McKee

    Alan McKee

    The Young Man

Full Cast & Crew

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Status Released

Original Language English

Budget -

Revenue -


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