Fantasia (2004)

IIA 01/15/2004 (HK) Comedy 1h 43m
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In Hong Kong 1969, private investigation agency boss Man is investigating an extra marital case. With his two employees, the smart looking idiot Kit and the Hong Kong Columbia Radio Night School graduate Pufferfish, he follows the target Lascar Row. The trio stumbles into an antique shop and breaks many antiques in the store. The cheap Man force Kit and Pufferfish to take responsibility. Kit wisely makes Pufferfish take sole responsibility. The dumb Pufferfish helpless buys the pile of shattered antiques with his own money. In the pieces he finds a broken magic lamp...

  1. Wai Ka-Fai

    Director, Writer

  2. Au Kin-Yee


  3. Tsz-Chun Lee


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Original Title 鬼馬狂想曲

Status Released

Original Language Cantonese

Budget -

Revenue -


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