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The Rider (2018)

R 04/13/2018 (US) DramaWestern 1h 43m
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Once a rising star of the rodeo circuit, and a gifted horse trainer, young cowboy Brady is warned that his riding days are over after a horse crushed his skull at a rodeo. In an attempt to regain control of his own fate, Brady undertakes a search for a new identity and what it means to be a man in the heartland of the United States.

  1. Chloé Zhao

    Director, Writer

Top Billed Cast

  1. Brady Jandreau

    Brady Jandreau

    Brady Blackburn

  2. Tim Jandreau

    Wayne Blackburn

  3. Lilly Jandreau

    Lilly Blackburn

  4. Cat Clifford

    Cat Clifford

  5. Terri Dawn Pourier

    Terri Dawn Pourier

  6. Lane Scott

    Lane Scott

  7. Tanner Langdeau

    Tanner Langdeau

  8. James Calhoon

    James Calhoon

  9. Derrick Janis

    Derrick Janis

    Victor Chasing Hawk

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

The Rider
The Rider

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